Water and wastewater services are essential to quality of life for all Tempe residents and workers. These services are provided to the public for a fee and not through taxes. This requires the city to analyze existing and future projected costs and revenues to determine if changes to the rates are needed. 

In 2023, the City conducted financial model updates for water, wastewater and solid waste services. The update to the models entailed: 

  • reviewing industry inflationary trends from the United States (U.S.) Consumer Price Index – Water and Sewerage Maintenance series and trash collection series, provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and 

  • updating the financial model with revenues and expenses from the most recently completed fiscal year to determine revenue requirements for this fiscal year.  

The revenue adjustment (rate increase) recommendation, if adopted, would apply to each water, wastewater and solid waste service provided by the utility and become effective Jan. 1. These financial model updates were completed with the assistance of a contracted third-party financial consultant, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 

Based on the update, typical residential customers can expect an 8.6% increase in their utility bills, equivalent to $7.32 per month or $87.84 annually, effective Jan. 1. 

The 8.6% increase to a typical utility bill is a result of a 14.75% water revenue adjustment, a 6.25% wastewater revenue adjustment and a 5% solid waste revenue adjustment, which are driven primarily by inflation. The stormwater / environmental fee will remain at $3 a month. Links to the Technical memorandums from Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., detailing the analysis performed and recommended revenue adjustments are available in the 2023 Water and Wastewater Financial Model Update and 2023 Solid Waste Financial Model Update

These rate adjustments are necessary to ensure the financial stability of the utility, which involves covering the costs of providing reliable and high-quality water, wastewater and solid waste services and supporting critical capital improvement projects. The proposed rates represent the utility’s commitment to maintaining competitive rates while ensuring long-term financial sustainability. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do water and wastewater rates, fees and charges currently fund?
How do Tempe’s utility rates compare to neighboring municipalities?
How does Tempe’s utility funding work?
What is a rate study? What is a financial model update? How often are they conducted?
What Tempe City Council Performance Measures are considered in a rate study?
Does the city make a profit on water and solid waste utility services because they are an enterprise fund?
When and how are water, wastewater and solid waste rates adopted?
Are there assistance programs for residents who are experiencing challenges paying for water, wastewater solid waste and stormwater services?
Whom can I call if I have a question about my utility bill or am having difficulty paying my bill?