Tempe Tour of Water Harvesting Projects

Check out some examples of green stormwater infrastructure in action!

Form photo

For Earth Month, come join Sustainability and Resilience Office staff on a water harvesting and green stormwater infrastructure tour around Tempe! Learn more about the City of Tempe's efforts to complete more projects with these sustainable design features that conserve water and increase shade. RSVP with the form below!

Staff Contact: Brianne Fisher | brianne_fisher@tempe.gov

WHEN: Wednesday, April 24 at 5pm-7pm

RSVP for the Tour HERE


Map Overview

START/STOP ONE: College Ave and E. Geneva (5:00pm) 

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STOP 2: Alameda Drive (5:30pm)



STOP 3: Mill Avenue and 12th Street Median (6:00pm) 

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 STOP 4: Rio Salado and Hardy Dr. Grove of AZ Cities and Towns (6:30pm) 


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