The City recognizes the importance of involving local businesses in the procurement process. A number of outreach efforts are conducted annually to ensure that local businesses are included in Tempe's procurement processes.
Procurement routinely meets with the Tempe Chamber of Commerce to ensure its membership is aware of and registered with the City and uses it's on-line membership list to augment the city's bid list when solicitations are published.
Although the City of Tempe does not have any specific requirements to solicit from local Arizona-based businesses, procurement officers make it a common practice to reach out to local businesses when soliciting quotes and bids. Most small dollar requirements are awarded to local businesses based on the natural advantages they retain due to their local presence.
When conducting procurements that exceed the formal limit of $100,000, it is not possible to limit opportunities to only Arizona businesses as the City of Tempe is required to notice any interested party for the particular commodity or service being solicited.
For procurements that are valued under the formal limit of $100,000, the City of Tempe has discretion in determining which vendors will be invited to participate. As a matter of practice, procurement officers make it a point to reach out and solicit from Arizona based business when only three quotes are required. If sufficient competition is not available within the Arizona market, additional firms can be contacted in order to satisfy the minimum quote requirements.