Tempe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Online Complaint Form

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If you or someone you know with a disability, access or function need has a complaint, concern or problem accessing Tempe’s programs, services, communications, activities, events, facilities, vendors, or businesses, we want to know about it!


If you can, please send us pictures, if applicable, at the email address as well.


Alternative means of filing a complaint, such as a personal interview will be accepted. Accommodations or alternate formats will be provided upon request during this process.


The complaint is to be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 180 calendar days after the alleged violation.


A review of the complaint will be conducted within 15 calendar days with the complainant. If accessibility accommodations, such as large print, Braille, ASL interpreter or other accommodations are required, please let us know immediately.


When a decision is made regarding the complaint, a response will be provided in writing. The review process shall not exceed 120 calendar days from the complaint date. The complainant may appeal the decision to the City Manager or his designee within 30 working days.


All written complaints received by the ADA Compliance Specialist, including appeals to the City Manager or his designee, and responses from these two offices will be retained by the City of Tempe per the appropriate records retention schedule.


If you have any questions, please reach out to:


Monique Perry, MBA

ADA Accessibility Coordinator/ ACTCP Certified

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

31 East Fifth St.,

Tempe, AZ 85281
Office telephone: 480-350-2704 

Today's Date:
Your Information:
Your Information:
Designee Information: (If appropriate)
Designee Information: (If appropriate)
Details of Complaint
Details of Complaint
  1. To receive a copy of your submission, please fill out your email address below and submit.