City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuFifth Grade Program
The goal of the Fifth Grade Program is to deliver an interactive experience that instills in students a sense of ownership in the history of Tempe, connects to their everyday lives, and inspires them to preserve their own history. The program is about the stories of Tempe as a desert southwestern urban community. Tempe School District No. 3 teachers must schedule a tour through the Gifted & Social Studies Department at the District Office. Teachers outside the TD3 District may email the museum directly to request a tour.
Before Your Visit
Teachers who have registered their class in the program should click on the links below for the pre-visit materials. It is essential that the students be prepared for this enquiry-based program.
Executive Summary
Participation Guide
Tempe Four Ways Module
Building Tempe Module
Surviving in the Desert Module
College Town Module
Living Together Module
Student Question Sheet
Vocabulary List
PLEASE NOTE: The teacher should divide the class into four groups before visiting the museum and give each student a name tag. This preparation will expedite the program and make for a smooth rotation of groups.
After Your Visit
Below are links to the post visit activities that will provide reinforcement for the concepts learned during the students' museum visit.
Participatory History Post-visit Activity
Sense of Place Post-visit Activity
Timeline Exhibit [1.6MB PDF]
Timeline Post-visit Activity (Quizlet - opens in new window)